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LBTG mit Bootstrap


With its co-ownership share in OPAL, LBTG offers the option to feed gas (group H gas) into the Trading Hub EUrope (THE) market area via the connection in Gross Koeris and the adjacent gas transmission systems of GASCADE Gastransport GmbH and ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH or transport gas taken at Lubmin from the Nord Stream I pipeline to Brandov in the Czech Republic.

Feeding gas (group H gas) into the THE market area is subject to the applicable terms and conditions posted on the company’s website under the services tab and the fees valid also posted there.

If you are interested in transportation to Brandov, please feel free to contact us at:

Lubmin-Brandov Gastransport GmbH
Huttropstr. 60
D-45138 Essen
T + 49 201 3 19 37 70 17
F + 49 201 51 78 44 98